
Piemonte DOC

Region: Piemonte


History: Established as a DOC in 1994

Vineyard Area: 3,027 ha / 7,477 acres (2021)

Production: 256,100 hl / 2,845,000 cases (5-year average)

Styles and Wine Composition

  • Bianco (Wh, WhFr, WhSw, WhFrSw): Minimum 60% Chardonnay, Cortese, Erbaluce, and/or Favorita + OAG
  • Bussanello (Wh): Minimum 85% Bussanello + OANWG
  • Chardonnay (Wh, WhFr): Minimum 85% Chardonnay + OANWG
  • Cortese (Wh): Minimum 85% Cortese + OANWG
  • Cortese or Cortese Marengo (WhFr): Minimum 85% Cortese; maximum 3% Moscato Bianco + OANG
  • Marengo (WhFr): Minimum 85% Cortese; maximum 3% Moscato Bianco + OANG
  • Moscato (Wh, WhSw): Minimum 85% Moscato Bianco + OANWG
  • Pinot Grigio (Wh): Minimum 85% Pinot Grigio + OANWG
  • Riesling (Wh): Minimum 85% Riesling and/or Welschriesling + OANWG
  • Sauvignon (Wh): Minimum 85% Sauvignon Blanc + OANWG
  • Viognier (Wh): Minimum 85% Viognier + OANWG
  • Dual varietals (Wh, WhSw, WhSw, WhFrSw): Bussanello, Chardonnay, Cortese, Favorita, Moscato, Pinot Bianco, Pinot Grigio, Pinot Nero (vinified as a white wine), Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Viognier, or Welschriesling: Maximum 85% of first-named variety; minimum 15% of second variety
  • Rosato (Ro, RoFr, RoSw, RoFrSw): Minimum 60% Barbera, Chardonnay, Cortese, Croatina, Dolcetto, Freisa, and/or Nebbiolo + OAG
  • Rosso (Rd, RdFr, RdSw, RdFrSw): Minimum 60% Barbera, Croatina, Dolcetto, Freisa, and/or Nebbiolo + OAG
  • Albarossa (Rd): Minimum 85% Albarossa + OANRG
  • Barbera (Rd, RdFr): Minimum 85% Barbera + OANRG
  • Bonarda (Rd, RdFr, RdSw, RdFrSw): Minimum 85% Bonarda + OANRG
  • Brachetto (Rd, RdSw): Minimum 85% Brachetto + OANRG
  • Cabernet (Rd): Minimum 85% Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, and/or Carmenère + OANRG
  • Cabernet Franc (Rd): Minimum 85% Cabernet Franc + OANRG
  • Cabernet Sauvignon (Rd): Minimum 85% Cabernet Sauvignon + OANRG
  • Croatina (Rd, RdSw): Minimum 85% Croatina + OANRG
  • Dolcetto (Rd, RdFr): Minimum 85% Dolcetto + OANRG
  • Freisa (Rd): Minimum 85% Freisa + OANRG
  • Grignolino (Rd): Minimum 85% Grignolino + OANRG
  • Merlot (Rd): Minimum 85% Merlot + OANRG
  • Pinot Nero or Pinot Noir (Rd): Minimum 85% Pinot Nero + OANRG
  • Syrah (Rd): Minimum 85% Syrah + OANRG
  • Dual varietals (Rd, RdSw, RdFrSw): Albarossa, Barbera, Bonarda, Brachetto, Cabernet, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Carmenère, Croatina, Dolcetto, Freisa, Grignolino, Merlot, Nebbiolo, Pinot Nero, or Syrah: Maximum 85% of first-named variety; minimum 15% of second variety
  • Novello (Rosso, red varietals except Brachetto)
  • Spumante (WhSp): Minimum 60% Chardonnay, Cortese, Erbaluce, Favorita, Pinot Bianco, Pinot Grigio, and/or Pinot Nero + OAG
  • Chardonnay Spumante (WhSp): Minimum 85% Chardonnay + OANWG
  • Cortese Spumante or Cortese Marengo Spumante (WhSp): Minimum 85% Cortese; maximum 3% Moscato Bianco + OANG
  • Marengo Spumante (WhSp): Minimum 85% Cortese; maximum 3% Moscato Bianco + OANG
  • Pinot Bianco Spumante (WhSp): Minimum 85% Pinot Bianco; maximum 15% Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, and/or Pinot Nero
  • Pinot Grigio Spumante (WhSp): Minimum 85% Pinot Grigio; maximum 15% Chardonnay, Pinot Bianco, and/or Pinot Nero
  • Dual-varietal spumante (WhSp): Bussanello, Chardonnay, Cortese, Favorita, Moscato, Pinot Bianco, Pinot Grigio, Pinot Nero (vinified as a white wine), Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Viognier, or Welschriesling: Maximum 85% of first-named variety; minimum 15% of second variety
  • Rosato, Rosa, or Rosé Spumante (RoSp, RoSpSw): Minimum 85% Brachetto + OANRG
  • Albarossa Spumante (RoSp): Minimum 85% Albarossa + OANRG
  • Chardonnay-Pinot Spumante (WhSp, RoSp): Maximum 85% Chardonnay; minimum 15% Pinot Bianco, Pinot Grigio, and/or Pinot Nero
  • Pinot Spumante (WhSp, RoSp): Minimum 85% Pinot Bianco, Pinot Grigio, and/or Pinot Nero; maximum 15% Chardonnay
  • Pinot-Chardonnay Spumante (WhSp, RoSp): Maximum 85% Pinot Bianco, Pinot Grigio, and/or Pinot Nero; minimum 15% Chardonnay
  • Pinot Nero or Pinot Noir Spumante (WhSp, RoSp): Minimum 85% Pinot Nero; maximum 15% Chardonnay, Pinot Bianco, and/or Pinot Grigio
  • Rosso Spumante (RdSp, RdSpSw): Minimum 60% Barbera, Croatina, Dolcetto, Freisa, and/or Nebbiolo + OAG
  • Brachetto Spumante (RdSp, RdSpSw): Minimum 85% Brachetto + OANRG
  • Dual-varietal spumante (RoSp, RoSpSw, RdSp, RdSpSw): Albarossa, Barbera, Bonarda, Brachetto, Cabernet, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Carmenère, Croatina, Dolcetto, Freisa, Grignolino, Merlot, Nebbiolo, Pinot Nero, or Syrah: Maximum 85% of first-named variety; minimum 15% of second variety
  • Bianco Passito (Wh, WhSw): Minimum 60% Chardonnay, Cortese, Erbaluce, and/or Favorita + OAG
  • Moscato Passito (WhSw): 100% Moscato
  • Rosso Passito (Rd, RdSw): Minimum 60% Barbera, Croatina, Dolcetto, Freisa, and/or Nebbiolo + OAG
  • Barbera Passito (Rd, RdSw): Minimum 85% Barbera + OANRG
  • Brachetto Passito (RdSw): Minimum 85% Brachetto + OANRG

Subzones and Other Geographic Terms

  • Marengo Storico (frizzante or sparkling Cortese)
  • Vigneti di Montagna, for those vineyards with a minimum average vineyard elevation of 500 m (1,640 ft) and a slope of at least 30%
  • Different growing regions are specified for different wine styles

Significant Production Rules

  • Minimum vineyard elevation: 100 m (330 ft)
  • Grapes for Passito must be dried on or off the vine to achieve a minimum potential alcohol level of 13.0% or a minimum sugar level of 217 g/l; if labeled “vino di uve stramature,” the minimums are increased to 15.0% potential alcohol or 266 g/l sugar; if labeled “vino ottenuto da uve appassite,” the minimums are 16.0% potential alcohol or 272 g/l sugar
  • Spumante wines may undergo second fermentation either in bottles or in autoclaves
  • Minimum alcohol level (table wines, including frizzante): 4.5% for Moscato (11.0% potential); 5.0% for Brachetto (11.0% potential); 10.0% for Bianco, Cortese, and white dual varietals; 10.5% for Bussanello, Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Riesling, Viognier, and Rosato; 11.0% for Sauvignon, Rosso, Barbera, Bonarda, Croatina, Dolcetto, Freisa, Grignolino, and red dual varietals; 11.5% for Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Nero, and Syrah; 12.5% for Albarossa
  • Minimum alcohol level (spumante wines): 6.0% for Brachetto Spumante (11.0% potential); 10.0% for Cortese Spumante; 10.5% for most spumanti (except Brachetto, Cortese, and Rosso); 11.0% for Rosso Spumante; 11.5% for Albarossa Spumante
  • Minimum alcohol level (passito wines): 9.0% for Passito “ottenuto da uve appassite” (16.0% potential); 10.5% for standard Passito (13.0% potential); 12.0% for Passito “di uve stramature” (15.0% potential)
  • Residual sugar: Most white and rosato spumanti can range from natural to dry (sec); Chardonnay Spumante and Cortese Spumante can range from natural to demisec; Brachetto Spumante can range from extra brut to dolce; other red spumanti can range from natural to dolce
  • Aging: For Freisa, minimum 4 months (ERD = March 1, V+1); for Bianco Passito, Rosso Passito, and Barbera Passito, minimum 3 months (ERD = April 1, V+1); for Albarossa, minimum 12 months (ERD = November 1, V+1); for Moscato Passito and Brachetto Passito, minimum 12 months (ERD = January 1, V+2)

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