
Pinerolese DOC

Region: Piemonte


History: Established as a DOC in 1996

Vineyard Area: 19 ha / 47 acres (2021)

Production: 720 hl / 8,010 cases (5-year average)

Principal White Grape Varieties:

Styles and Wine Composition

  • Bian Ver (Wh): Minimum 85% Bian Ver (aka Verdesse) + OANWG
  • Malvasia (Wh): Minimum 85% Malvasia di Candia Aromatica and/or Malvasia Moscata + OAWG
  • Rosato (Ro): Minimum 50% Barbera, Bonarda, Chatus, and/or Nebbiolo + OANRG
  • Rosso (Rd): Minimum 50% Barbera, Bonarda, Chatus, and/or Nebbiolo + OANRG
  • Barbera (Rd): Minimum 85% Barbera + OARG
  • Bonarda (Rd): Minimum 85% Bonarda + OARG
  • Dolcetto (Rd): Minimum 85% Dolcetto + OARG
  • Doux d’Henry (Rd): Minimum 85% Doux d’Henry + OARG
  • Freisa (Rd): Minimum 85% Freisa + OARG
  • Nebbiolo (Rd): Minimum 90% Nebbiolo + OANRG
  • Ramie (Rd): Minimum 60% Avanà, Avarengo, Becuet, and/or Chatus; maximum 40% OANRG
  • Superiore (Barbera)

Significant Production Rules

  • Nebbiolo can be produced only in about half of the denomination’s communes and Ramie only in two communes (Perosa Argentina and Pomaretto)
  • Vineyard elevation: For Nebbiolo only, minimum 350 m (1,150 ft) and maximum of 650 m (2,130 ft) in the province of Torino, minimum 300 m (985 ft) and maximum of 550 m (1,805 ft) in the province of Cuneo
  • Minimum alcohol level: 11.0% for Rosato; 11.5% for Rosso, Bonarda, Dolcetto, Doux d’Henry, Freisa, and Ramie; 12.0% for standard Barbera; 12.5% for Nebbiolo; 13.0% for Superiore
  • Aging: For Nebbiolo, minimum 1 year, including 6 months in barrel (ERD = November 1, V+1)

Last Disciplinare Modification:


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