
Oltrepò Pavese DOC

Region: Lombardia


History: Established as a DOC in 1970; Oltrepò Pavese Metodo Classico became a DOCG in 2007; Oltrepò Pavese Pinot Grigio and Bonarda, Buttafuoco, Pinot Nero, and Sangue di Giuda dell’Oltrepò Pavese were established as separate DOCs in 2010

Vineyard Area: 1,291 ha / 3,189 acres (2021)

Production: 71,100 hl / 789,400 cases (2022)

Principal Red Grape Varieties:

Styles and Wine Composition

  • Bianco (Wh): Minimum 60% Riesling and/or Welschriesling (aka Riesling Italico); maximum 40% Pinot Nero and/or OANWG
  • Chardonnay (Wh, WhFr): Minimum 85% Chardonnay + OAWG
  • Cortese (Wh, WhFr): Minimum 85% Cortese + OAWG
  • Malvasia (Wh, WhFr): Minimum 85% Malvasia di Candia Aromatica + OAWG
  • Moscato (WhSw, WhFrSw): Minimum 85% Moscato Bianco; maximum 15% Malvasia
  • Pinot Nero bianco (Wh, WhFr): Minimum 85% Pinot Nero (vinified as a white wine); maximum 15% Chardonnay, Pinot Bianco, and/or Pinot Grigio
  • Riesling (Wh, WhFr): Minimum 85% Riesling and/or Welschriesling; maximum 15% Pinot Bianco, Pinot Grigio, and/or Pinot Nero
  • Sauvignon (Wh): Minimum 85% Sauvignon Blanc + OANWG
  • Superiore (Riesling)
  • Riserva (Riesling)
  • Rosato (Ro, RoFr): 25–65% Barbera; 25–65% Croatina; maximum 40% Pinot Nero, Uva Rara, and/or Vespolina (locally Ughetta); maximum 15% OANRG
  • Pinot Nero rosato (Ro, RoFr): Minimum 85% Pinot Nero; maximum 15% Chardonnay, Pinot Bianco, and/or Pinot Grigio
  • Rosso (Rd): 25–65% Barbera; 25–65% Croatina; maximum 40% Pinot Nero, Uva Rara, and/or Vespolina; maximum 15% OANRG
  • Barbera (Rd, RdFr): Minimum 85% Barbera + OANRG
  • Cabernet Sauvignon (Rd): Minimum 85% Cabernet Sauvignon + OANRG
  • Riserva (Rosso, Barbera)
  • Varietal Spumante (WhSp): Can be made by a second fermentation of Chardonnay, Cortese, Pinot Nero (vinified as a white wine), Riesling, or Sauvignon
  • Pinot Nero Rosato Spumante (RoSp): Minimum 85% Pinot Nero; maximum 15% Chardonnay, Pinot Bianco, and/or Pinot Grigio
  • Malvasia Spumante (WhSp, WhSpSw): Minimum 85% Malvasia di Candia Aromatica + OAWG
  • Moscato Spumante (WhSpSw): Minimum 85% Moscato; maximum 15% Malvasia
  • Passito (WhSw): Minimum 85% Moscato; maximum 15% Malvasia
  • Liquoroso (WhFo): Minimum 85% Moscato; maximum 15% Malvasia

Significant Production Rules

  • Spumante must be fermented in pressurized tanks or autoclaves (Charmat/Martinotti method)
  • Grapes for Passito must be dried on or off the vine to achieve a minimum sugar level of 23.0% (230 g/l) and can be pressed only between October 15, V, and March 30, V+1
  • Minimum alcohol level: 6.0% for Malvasia Spumante and Moscato Spumante (11.0% potential); 7.0% for Malvasia frizzante (11.0% potential); 10.0% for frizzante versions of Chardonnay, Cortese, Pinot Nero (bianco and rosato), Riesling, and Rosato (10.5% potential); 10.5% for Cortese, Rosato, and Cortese Spumante; 10.5% for Barbera frizzante (11.0% potential); 11.0% for Chardonnay, Moscato, Pinot Nero (bianco and rosato), Riesling, Sauvignon, Barbera, Pinot Nero Spumante, Riesling Spumante, and Sauvignon Spumante; 11.5% for Rosso, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Chardonnay Spumante; 12.0% for Bianco, Malvasia, Superiore, and Riesling Riserva; 12.0% for Passito (15.0% potential); 12.5% for Rosso Riserva and Barbera Riserva; 18.0% for Liquoroso
  • Aging: For Passito, minimum approx. 4–6 months (ERD = June 1, V+1); for Riserva, minimum 24 months (ERD = November 1, V+2)

Last Disciplinare Modification:


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