
IGP Emilia / dell’Emilia

Region: Emilia-Romagna


History: Established in 1995

Vineyard Area: 2,943 ha / 7,269 acres (2018)

Production: 854,500 hl / 9,494,000 cases (2018)

Styles and Wine Composition

  • Bianco (Wh, WhFr, WhSw, WhFrSw): Any proportions of white grape varieties approved for the region of Emilia-Romagna
  • Alionza (Wh, WhFr): Minimum 85% Alionza + OAWG
  • Chardonnay (Wh, WhFr): Minimum 85% Chardonnay; maximum 15% Pinot Nero (vinified as a white wine) and/or OAWG
  • Grechetto Gentile (Wh, WhSw, WhFr, WhFrSw): Minimum 85% Grechetto Gentile + OAWG
  • Lambrusco (WhFr, WhFrSw): Minimum 85% Lambrusco (vinified as a white wine) + OAWG
  • Malvasia (Wh, WhSw, WhFr, WhFrSw): Minimum 85% Malvasia (Bianca di Candia or di Candia Aromatica) + OAWG
  • Montù (Wh, WhFr): Minimum 85% Montù + OAWG
  • Moscato (Wh, WhSw, WhFr, WhFrSw): Minimum 85% Moscato Bianco + OAWG
  • Pinot Bianco (Wh, WhFr): Minimum 85% Pinot Bianco; maximum 15% Pinot Nero (vinified as a white wine) and/or OAWG
  • Pinot Grigio (Wh, WhFr): Minimum 85% Pinot Grigio + OAWG
  • Pinot Nero (Wh, WhFr): Minimum 85% Pinot Nero (vinified as a white wine) + OAWG
  • Riesling Italico (Wh, WhFr): Minimum 85% Welschriesling (aka Riesling Italico) + OAWG
  • Sauvignon (Wh, WhFr): Minimum 85% Sauvignon Blanc + OAWG
  • Spergola (Wh, WhSw, WhFr, WhFrSw): Minimum 85% Spergola + OAWG
  • Trebbiano (Wh, WhSw, WhFr, WhFrSw): Minimum 85% Trebbiano + OAWG
  • Dual varietals (Wh, WhFr, WhFrSw): 50–85% of first-named variety; 15–50% of other variety; Lambrusco is excluded from dual-varietal wines
  • Novello (Lambrusco)
  • Rosato (Ro, RoFr, RoSw, RoFrSw): Any proportions of red grape varieties approved for the region of Emilia-Romagna
  • Ancellotta or Lancellotta rosato (Ro, RoSw, RoFr, RoFrSw): Minimum 85% Ancellotta + OARG
  • Lambrusco rosato (RoFr, RoFrSw): Minimum 85% Lambrusco (a Foglia Frastagliata, Barghi, Benetti, del Pellegrino, di Sorbara, Grasparossa, Maestri, Marani, Montericco, Oliva, Salamino, and/or Viadanese) + OARG
  • Pinot Grigio rosato or rosé (Wh, WhFr, Ro, RoSw): Minimum 85% Pinot Grigio + OAWG
  • Rosso (Rd, RdSw, RdFr, RdFrSw): Any proportions of red grape varieties approved for the region of Emilia-Romagna
  • Ancellotta or Lancellotta (Rd, RdSw, RdFr, RdFrSw): Minimum 85% Ancellotta + OARG
  • Barbera (Rd, RdFr): Minimum 85% Barbera + OARG
  • Cabernet (Rd): Minimum 85% Cabernet Franc and/or Cabernet Sauvignon + OARG
  • Cabernet Franc (Rd): Minimum 85% Cabernet Franc + OARG
  • Cabernet Sauvignon (Rd): Minimum 85%, Cabernet Sauvignon + OARG
  • Fogarina (Rd, RdSw, RdFr, RdFrSw): Minimum 85% Fogarina + OARG
  • Fortana (Rd, RdSw, RdFr, RdFrSw): Minimum 85% Fortana + OARG
  • Lambrusco (RdFr, RdFrSw): Minimum 85% Lambrusco (a Foglia Frastagliata, Barghi, Benetti, del Pellegrino, di Sorbara, Grasparossa, Maestri, Marani, Montericco, Oliva, Salamino, and/or Viadanese) + OARG
  • Malbo Gentile (Rd, RdFr): Minimum 85% Malbo Gentile + OARG
  • Marzemino (Rd, RdFr): Minimum 85% Marzemino + OARG
  • Merlot (Rd): Minimum 85% Merlot + OARG
  • Pinot Nero (Rd, RdFr): Minimum 85% Pinot Nero + OARG
  • Sangiovese (Rd): Minimum 85% Sangiovese + OARG
  • Dual varietals (Rd, RdFr, RdFrSw): 50–85% of first-named variety; 15–50% of other variety; Lambrusco is excluded from dual-varietal wines
  • Novello (Rosso, red varietals)
  • Bianco Spumante (WhSp, WhSpSw): Same as Bianco, Alionza, Chardonnay, Grechetto Gentile, Lambrusco (vinified as a white wine), Malvasia, Montù, Moscato, Pinot Bianco, Pinot Grigio, Pinot Nero (vinified as a white wine), Riesling Italico, Sauvignon, Spergola, or Trebbiano
  • Rosato Spumante (RoSp, RoSpSw): Same as Rosato, Ancellotta rosato, or Lambrusco rosato
  • Rosso Spumante (RdSp, RdSpSw): Same as Rosso, Ancellotta, Barbera, Fogarina, Fortana, Lambrusco, Malbo Gentile, Marzemino, or Pinot Nero
  • Dual varietals are allowed
  • Mosto Bianco di Uve Parzialmente Fermentato (WhFrSw): Same as Bianco, Alionza, Chardonnay, Lambrusco (vinified as a white wine), Malvasia, Montù, or Moscato
  • Mosto Rosato di Uve Parzialmente Fermentato (RoFrSw): Same as Rosato
  • Mosto Rosso di Uve Parzialmente Fermentato (RdFrSw): Same as Rosso, Ancellotta, Barbera, Fogarina, Fortana, Lambrusco, Malbo Gentile, or Marzemino
  • Bianco Passito (WhSw): Same as Bianco, Grechetto Gentile, Malvasia di Candia Aromatica, Sauvignon, or Spergola
  • Rosso Passito (RdSw): Same as Rosso, Fogarina, Malbo Gentile, or Marzemino

Significant Production Rules

  • Zone of production: Provinces of Ferrara, Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, and the part of the province of Bologna on the left bank of the Sillaro River
  • Minimum alcohol level: 10.0% for most wines except 7.0% for Mosto di Uve Parzialmente Fermentato (10.0% potential); 10.5% for Grechetto Gentile, Lambrusco (white, rosato, or red), Malvasia, Pinot Bianco, Pinot Grigio, Pinot Nero (white or red), Riesling Italico, Sauvignon, Spergola, and Trebbiano; 11.0% for Novello and Spumante; 12.0% for Passito (16.0% potential)
  • Maximum alcohol level: 6.3% for Mosto di Uve Parzialmente Fermentato
  • Residual sugar: Spumante wines can be produced at any sweetness level, from brut nature (zero dosage) to dolce
  • Aging: No minimums specified

Last Disciplinare Modification:


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