

Book review: Native Wine Grapes of Italy

“Definitive” is the term that comes to mind for this book. It is rare to find a book that seems to cover its subject so thoroughly that it banishes the thought of needing any further resource on the matter, but Native Wine Grapes of Italy by Ian D’Agata is such a book. Make no mistake—this […]

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DOCG and DOC Going Away? Not Anytime Soon

Posted May 28, 2014 Under the new European Union wine law that went into effect in 2008, DOC and DOCG were technically lumped together in the new quality wine designation of DOP (PDO in English). Everyone studying for a wine test breathed a sigh of relief, because they wouldn’t have to memorize the growing list […]

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Sangiovese in the Napa Valley

Interview with Michaela and Greg Rodeno of Villa Ragazzi By Geralyn Brostrom, posted May 5, 2014 Bright January sun was illuminating the dormant vines and few cars were traveling up and down Route 29, which meant the views left and right were unobstructed. This is one of my favorite times of year to drive 29 […]

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Book review: The World of Sicilian Wine

The World of Sicilian Wine, by Bill Nesto MW and his wife Frances di Savino, is an excellent survey of an important wine region of Italy that is all too often overlooked by wine writers. Both authors claim Sicilian roots, Nesto directly and di Savino by way of her ancestors who came to Campania via […]

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Chianti Classico Gran Selezione — Now Official

Posted February 17, 2014 The anticipated new premium level for the wines of Chianti Classico DOCG — Gran Selezione (Great Selection) — has cleared its final hurdle and is now officially part of the Chianti Classico portfolio. Gran Selezione is a new classification above Riserva, made using grapes harvested only from the winery’s own vineyards, […]

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Secrets of the Trebbiano Family

Posted November 8, 2013 Trebbiano is the second most planted grape variety in Italy. Or is it? The answer depends on how liberal your definition of Trebbiano is, because there are several different subtypes of Trebbiano around Italy—and it appears that most of them are not really related. [Ed. note: Since this article was written, […]

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Amarone 101

What is this delectable drink we call Amarone? And how is it made? Amarone is a dried-grape wine made using the appassimento (ah-pah-see-men-toh) method—a process whereby grapes are left to dry for several months and then pressed once they have lost between 40% and 50% of their original weight. Grapes are picked while they still […]

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11/30/11: The Day the DOCs Stood Still

After frenetic jockeying for position in 2011, the music stopped Posted July 31, 2013 In 2008, the European Union officially began the process of “normalizing” agricultural policy throughout the EU. Translation: Regulatory control of agriculture was to be taken away from the member countries and consolidated within the European Commission instead. For the wine industry, […]

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Everything You Learned About Italian Wine Has Changed

Posted July 31, 2013 Well, not everything. But if you spent a lot of time studying Italian wine in the past—for a certification, perhaps—you might need to hit the books again. A great many of the wine laws changed in 2011 (see related article), and most reference sources have not yet caught up. And the […]

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