

Myriad Sources of Rosato Wines in Italy

Italy is a great source for rosato (pink) wine, drawing on Italy’s unparalleled wealth of grape varieties. Important areas of rosato winemaking include . . .

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Pignoletto III: The Rise of Emilia-Romagna

The third and perhaps final installment in the dramatic Pignoletto denomination trilogy is reportedly in post-production and could be in wine shops later this year.

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Wine in the Year of Covid

OIV’s global wine report shows production was strong in 2020 while covid cut consumption and exports. And the idea of China as the savior for exporters now looks illusory.

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Raising the Bardolino: Three New Subzones for Bardolino Rosso

New rules for Bardolino DOC in April 2021 have introduced, among other innovations, three subzones for red Bardolino that will define a premier level of wines with longer aging and stricter requirements.

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Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Proposes New “Pieve” Category

Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG is moving ahead with a proposal to establish a new “Pieve” tier above Riserva, tied to 12 subareas based on medieval parish boundaries.

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Didn’t there used to be a course for the Italian Wine Professional exam?

Yes . . . and there still is, but there is a new way to explore your passion for Italian wine with Italian Wine Central—with or without the IWP exam.

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Rosy Future for Prosecco

It’s common for a sparkling wine region to make both white and rosé versions, but the world’s favorite, Prosecco, has only been white—until now.

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Vineyard Area and Yield by Region

Data for 2023 harvest Source: Istat data, 2024

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How the Italian Wine Professional Certification Will Complement Your Other Wine Studies

Should I pursue the IWP credential if I already have other wine certifications? We asked our students, and they think so.

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