13 menzioni geografiche aggiuntive (“additional geographical mentions”) and 3 communes—see list below
Significant Production Rules
For Passito, grapes must be dried on or off the vine to achieve a minimum potential alcohol level of 15.0% and a minimum sugar level of 230 g/l (23.0%) and can be pressed only between October 15, V, and March 30, V+1
Minimum alcohol level: 11.5% for Bianco and Spumante; 12.0% for Passito (15.0% potential)
Residual sugar: Spumante can range from extra brut to dry
Aging: For Passito, minimum 8–13 months (ERD = December 1, V+1)
Last Disciplinare Modification:
List of menzioni geografiche: Cambrugiano, Cerreto d’Esi (commune), Colferraio, Collamato, Del Cerro, Fabriano (commune), Fogliano, La Monacesca, La Valle, Matelica (commune), Mistriano, Sainale, San Leopardo, Santa Teresola, Valbona, Vinano